Short Break Service Statement

Introduction and Background
This information is for families living in Hartlepool who have a disabled child aged 0 - 18 years.  It describes the process agreed with the Parent Led Forum, 1 Hart 1 Mind 1 Future to prepare and publish our statement of short break services.

It is important to note that whilst we know that both local and national research demonstrates that short breaks are a priority for families with disabled children they should be delivered as part of a broader package of family support services.  All recent research indicates the need for early 'timely intervention' so that families should not be kept waiting with no knowledge of what services are available, or how they can access them.

Paragraph 6 of schedule 2 to the Children Act 1989 requires local authorities to provide a short break service designed to assist individuals who provide care for disabled children.  This duty and the Breaks for Carers of Disabled Children Regulations 2010 came into force on 1st April 2011.  The regulations require each local authority to produce a Short Break Services Statement so that families know what services are available, the eligibility criteria for these services, and how the range of short breaks is designed to meet the local needs of families with disabled children.  Regulations are detailed in Appendix A of the Short Break Services Statement (see link below)

Who prepared this Statement?
A working group was also established to oversee the review of the statement which was circulated for wider consultation before its final sign off in the Local Authorities Children's Services Committee in June 2017.  This group consisted of parents and local authority officers who lead and support the development of short breaks for families of disabled children.

Who is responsible for this Statement?
The Officer responsible for the preparation of the statement is the Short Break and Parent Participation Officer.  Overall responsibility for this statement lies with the Director of Child and Adult Services and the Children's Services Committee for Hartlepool.

How will this Statement be published?
Hartlepool Borough Council's Short Breaks Statement will be published on the local authority's website and the Parent Led Forum (1 Hart 1 Mind 1 Future) website and the local offer webpage.  Paper copies will be available on request, and will also be made available through the Parent Led Forum, including links to the identified websites.  In addition it will be made available in all of our special schools and our additionally resourced bases in mainstream schools and a copy will also be given to the Special Educational Need Coordinators (SENDCOS) in all of Hartlepool's schools.  This document will be reviewed before 31st March 2018 to inform service delivery for the forthcoming financial year.

Download a copy of the full Short Break Service Statement

For more information please contact Tracy Liveras, Short Break & Parent Participation Officer on 01429 284876 or email