Are you a parent of a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Daslne is a database of children with autism spectrum disorder living in the North East of England.

The idea behind the database is to help in planning services for children in the region. The database can also be used as a basis for research into our understanding of ASD.

For the database to be most useful, it must aim to give a complete picture. We would therefore like your help with this, by agreeing to participate in the Daslne project.


The database has many potential benefits. It will give accurate reports about children with ASD in the North East of England. Parents can ask for these reports.

The database will answer important questions about changes in the numbers of children with ASD and their needs. This will give all services and voluntary organisations accurate information to plan ahead to provide high quality support and services to you and other families.


Visit the Daslne website for more information and to download a consent form.