Preston Simpson and Sterndale Young Musicians Trust

The Preston Simpson and Sterndale Young Musicians Trust, supported through Hartlepool Borough Council, makes awards to young people to enable them to study music at any educational establishment providing courses in musical education.

It is designed to assist those students who have already achieved a good standard in their musical studies and who may wish to make use of their musical ability in their future careers. The Trustees make annual awards to young people and also host an awards event which will take place in Hartlepool Town Hall Theatre on Saturday 5th July 2025. Some of the award winners are invited to perform at this event.

If you would like to apply for an award please read the Guidance Information carefully before completing the Application Form and the Photography, Filming and Publicity Consent Form. If you require any further information please contact Judith Oliver on 01429 523914 or email or

Click here to download the Guidance Notes, Application Form and Photography, Filming and Publicity Consent Form.

The closing date for receipt of completed application forms is Friday 10th January 2025 at 12 noon.