Local Plan / Planning Policy

Following receipt of the Inspectors Final Report, Hartlepool Borough Council adopted its Local Plan on 22 May 2018.  In line with the regulations an Adoption Statement has been produced.   The Local Plan now forms part of the Development Plan for the Borough and replaces the saved policies of the 2006 Local Plan.  The plan covers the period 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2031. It is accompanied by a Policies Map which also includes an Inserts Map.  The plan was accompanied by a Sustainability Appraisal on submission to the Secretary of State which has been complimented by two further addendums in July 2017 and December 2017 during the examination process.  All the information on the Local Plan which informed the Examination can be found on the Local Plan Examination homepage.  

Hard copies of the Local Plan and Policies map are available, please contact Planning Policy on the details below.  The following prices are applicable:

Local Plan £15.00  (£20 inc P&P)
Policies Map - AO Full colour double-sided £7.50 (£10.00 inc P&P)
Local Plan and Policies Map £22.50 (£27.50 inc P&P)

Payments can be made in person at the Civic Centre, by Cheque (made payable to Hartlepool Borough Council) or by card over the telephone.

Tees Valley Enterprise Zone - Register of Local Development Orders

The Local Development Scheme was amended and endorsed in December 2017:

Hartlepool Local Development Scheme - December 2017

Brownfield Land Register

Infrastructure Funding Statement/Planning Obligations

The five Tees Valley local authorities prepared Joint Minerals and Waste Development Plan Documents (DPDs) to set out planning policies and site allocations on minerals and waste developments until 2026. The Tees Valley authorities formally adopted this DPD on the 15 September 2011.

Neighbourhood Planning has been introduced through the Localism Act and seeks to devolve certain planning powers to local communities to give them more say in how their area develops.  In December 2018 the first Neighbourhood Plan for Hartlepool was adopted when the Rural Neighbourhood Plan was 'Made' by Council on 20 December following a positive vote at Public Referendum on 4 October 2018.

The adopted Transport Assessments and Travel Plans Supplementary has also been prepared and was adopted in 2010. The Trees and Development SPD has been produced to provide specific guidance. A Shop Front Design Guide SPD was adopted on the 18 December, the New Dwelling Outside of Development Limits SPD on 6 August 2015, the Seaton Carew SPD on 17 September 2015, the Planning Obligations SPD on 12 November 2015 and the Residential Design SPD on the 12 September 2019.  The Wynyard Masterplan, a requirement of policy HSG6 of the Local Plan, was endorsed by Regeneration Services Committee on Friday 18 October 2019.  The Masterplan also needs to be reported to Stockton Borough Council's cabinet in November as it is a joint document between the two authorities.  As such, delegated authority for minor amendments to the master plan were agreed at Regeneration Service Committee if necessary.  The updated Green Infrastructure SPD and Action Plan alongside the Public Rights of Way and Other Access SPD were adopted by Council on 17 September 2020. The Green Infrastructure SPD Adoption Statement and the Public Rights of Way and Other Access SPD Adoption Statement can also be viewed.

A new Statement of Community (SCI) was also adopted by the Council on the 12 September 2019 which describes how people with an interest in planning can get involved in the various planning processes from the development of Planning Policy documents to commenting on Planning Applications.

If you are interested in flooding and would like to see the flood map for the town please visit the Environment Agency website and type in your postcode.  A 2017 strategic flood risk assessment was produced to inform the development of the Local Plan.  Documents associated with this can be viewed Local Plan Examination homepage.

The Government is currently looking for potential sites for new nuclear power stations and prospective developer EDF Energy has nominated Hartlepool as a location. During April and May 2009 the Department of Energy & Climate Change arranged a short public consultation exercise about the eleven sites nominated around the country. This was followed by a longer and broader consultation in the Autumn 2009 on the Government's Nuclear National Planning Policy. Hartlepool Borough Council submitted on 11 May 2009 its formal response to the Department of Energy & Climate Change agreeing that the nomination of a site for a new nuclear power station at Hartlepool merits further investigation by the Government in the its preparation of a draft Nuclear National Policy.

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