Disposing of Additional Waste
We cannot collect additional waste placed alongside your bin as the refuse vehicles that we use are designed to empty wheeled bins only. Refuse Collectors are prohibited from throwing items into the rear of the vehicle by hand (ie cardboard/bags), as they would be at risk from being caught on the moving, bin hoist machinery at the rear.
Additional waste can be disposed of at the Household Waste Recycling Centre, Burn Road. Alternatively you can wait until your bin is emptied and then put the bags in to the bin ready for the next collection.
If you regularly have too much waste to fit in your green bin then you will need to check that you are not putting recyclable materials such as paper, cardboard, glass or cans in your green bin. Please use our recycling checklist to help you.
Families of 6 or more permanent residents or with special circumstances (ie a resident with special medical needs) can apply for a larger bin. There is a charge for this service. For further details you can contact Customer Services on the number below.
Reusable/good quality items
Charity - Lots of local charities will collect good quality items free of charge. Please call the charities direct for further information.
Freecycle - www.freecycle.org - The service enables individuals to give away/swap items with other individuals (items must be provided for free).
Please note: The above disposal options are available to Hartlepool residents ONLY - Not businesses
Unusable/poor quality items
Household Waste Recycling Centre - Residents can choose to dispose of their items free of charge at the HWRC.
Standard Waste Removal Service - Household furniture items can be disposed of using this service. We charge £25.00 for one collection of up to 3 furniture/ electrical items. If you are in receipt of some benefits you may be entitled to a discounted rate.
Premium Waste Removal Quote Service - We can provide individual quotes to remove a large range of household and garden waste items. To request a quote please contact Customer Services.