COVID-19 - Social distancing guidance for businesses
On 23rd June the Prime Minister announced a further easing of lockdown restrictions to come into effect from Saturday 4th July.
Read the lockdown easing announcement here
The following guidance will be helpful for businesses - further updates and guidance will be issued in due course:
Government guidance on opening certain businesses and venues in England from 4th July
Government guidance for people who work in or run restaurants, pubs, bars, cafes or takeaways
COVID-19 - Advice for restaurants, pubs and bars
Hartlepool Borough Council - Guidance for commercial premises on social distancing
Hartlepool Borough Council - Checklist for commercial premises on social distancing
You can also download several different posters here to help you promote social distancing on your premises:
COVID-19 - Social distancing posters for businesses - A3
Further Government guidance – Working Safely During Coronavirus (Covid-19) - is available here.