Equality and Diversity
Information on Equality and Diversity
The Equality Act 2010 came into force on 1 October 2010 and brings together over 116 separate pieces of legislation into one single Act. Combined, they make up a new Act that will provide a legal framework to protect the rights of individuals and advance equality of opportunity for all.
The Act covers nine Protected Characteristics
The Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) is supported by "specific duties" to assist public bodies to achieve the aims of the general duty.
Under the specific duties, the Council must:
- Publish equalities information to demonstrate its compliance with the Equality Duty by the 31st January 2012 and then annually after that; and
- Develop and publish equality objectives by 6 April 2012 and then every four years.
In order to demonstrate our compliance with the above requirements, we have compiled a Worforce Equality Report 2022/23 and a 2022-2023 Equality Report to demonstrate the progress that the Council has made to date. We are aware that there are gaps in our data and are working to provide more information in an accessible format. Please note that when we publish our Equality report it relates to the previous financial year, for example the 2021/22 report was published by 31st January 2023. Our next report will be for 2023/24 and will be published by 31st January 2025.
We have an agreed Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy which sets out our commitment to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. This Policy contains our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Statement.
Equality issues must influence the decisions reached by public bodies - in how they act as employers; how they develop, evaluate and review policy; how they design, deliver and evaluate services, and how they commission and procure from others. We do this by undertaking Impact Assessments which are an integral part of our decision making process.
Since the first equality objectives were published in April 2012 the Council has based them on the strategic objectives set out in our Council Plan. By doing this the Council demonstrates that equality and diversity is a core part of what we do as an organisation and not an add on activity. The Council’s vision as set out in our Council Plan has recently been refreshed and from April 2021 our equality objectives are:
Hartlepool will be a place... ... where people are enabled to live healthy, independent and prosperous lives. ... where those who are vulnerable will be safe and protected from harm. ... of resilient and resourceful communities with opportunities for all. ... that is sustainable, clean, safe and green. ... that has an inclusive and growing economy. ... with a Council that is ambitious, fit for purpose and reflects the diversity of its community. |