Empty and Second Homes

Charges for Empty Properties and Second Homes from 1 April 2024

Empty Property - Uninhabitable

Properties that need or are undergoing major repair work or structural alterations can receive a 50% discount for up to 12 months, thereafter full Council Tax will become payable.

After one year a Premium Charge may be applied. Please see below.


Empty Unfurnished Property

A dwelling which is unoccupied and substantially unfurnished will be entitled to a 100% discount for one month only, thereafter full Council Tax will become payable.

After one year a Premium Charge may be applied. See below.


Empty Furnished Property and Second Homes

Full Council Tax is payable on a dwelling which is unoccupied and substantially furnished from the date it becomes unoccupied. However, if you have a second home because of your job you may be entitled to a 50% discount.

After one year a Premium Charge may be applied. See below.



Empty Unfurnished Property

From 1 April 2024

  • Apply a 100% Premium after 1 year (after 2 years until 31 March 2024)
  • Apply a 200% Premium after 5 years

From 1 April 2025

  • Apply a 300% Premium after 10 years

Empty Furnished Property and Second Homes

From 1 April 2025

  • Apply a 100% Premium after 1 year.


The following exemptions to the Premium could apply for both furnished and unfurnished unoccupied properties:

  • Genuine attempts to sell or rent.
  • Continuing renovation to bring the property back into a fit state for occupation.
  • Legal or technical issues preventing sale or letting (e.g. the property left in a will).

If you would like to apply for a property discount or an exemption from a Premium Charge please email revenues@hartlepool.gov.uk with details of the property and reason for your application. Please also include your telephone number.