Your Council Tax 2022/23
The amount of Council Tax payable for each property band for Hartlepool Council services in 2022/23 is shown in the table below. Payments can be made to the Automated Payment Line 0300 1230703.
Increase | Band A | Band B | Band C | Band D | Band E | Band F | Band G | Band H | |
Hartlepool Council | 1.9% | £1,087.22 | £1,268.42 | £1,449.63 | £1,630.83 | £1,993.24 | £2,355.64 | £2,718.05 | £3,261.66 |
Adult Social Care levy | 3% | £137.32 | £160.21 | £183.09 | £205.98 | £251.75 | £297.53 | £343.30 | £411.96 |
Police and Crime Commisioner | 3.8% | £183.82 | £214.46 | £245.09 | £275.73 | £337.00 | £398.28 | £459.55 | £551.46 |
Cleveland Fire Authority | 1.9% | £54.57 | £63.67 | £72.76 | £81.86 | £100.05 | £118.24 | £136.43 | £163.72 |
Total | 4.6% | £1,462.93 | £1,706.76 | £1,950.57 | £2,194.40 | £2,682.02 | £3,169.69 | £3,657.33 | £4,388.80 |
Further information can be obtain in the following links
Cleveland Fire Authority Budget & Council Tax
Police & Crime Commissioner for Cleveland Council Tax
In relation to the year beginning in 2020 and any subsequent year, the following statement—
The Secretary of State made an offer to adult social care authorities. (“Adult social care authorities” are local authorities which have functions under Part 1 of the Care Act 2014, namely county councils in England, district councils for an area in England for which there is no county council, London borough councils, the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.)
The offer was the option of an adult social care authority being able to charge an additional “precept” on its council tax without holding a referendum, to assist the authority in meeting its expenditure on adult social care from the financial year 2016-17. It was originally made in respect of the financial years up to and including 2019-20. If the Secretary of State chooses to renew this offer in respect of a particular financial year, this is subject to the approval of the House of Commons.
The Secretary of State made an offer to adult social care authorities. (“Adult social care authorities” are local authorities which have functions under Part 1 of the Care Act 2014, namely county councils in England, district councils for an area in England for which there is no county council, London borough councils, the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.)
The offer was the option of an adult social care authority being able to charge an additional “precept” on its council tax without holding a referendum, to assist the authority in meeting its expenditure on adult social care from the financial year 2016/17. It was originally made in respect of the financial years up to and including 2019-20. If the Secretary of State chooses to renew this offer in respect of a particular financial year, this is subject to the approval of the House of Commons.
The Secretary of State has renewed this offer in respect of 2022/23. The council has elected not to increase its adult social care precept by the 1% allowed, but has used the phasing flexibility provided for 2021/22 to increase our social care by 3%, having previously deferred this increase. The additional funds raised will help to meet expenditure on adult social care.
It should be noted that the percentage increase shown on your Council Tax Demand is calculated with reference to the previous years combined Core Council Tax and Adult Social Care Precept. As the Council has approved a 4.9% increase to Council Tax in totality, comprising 1.9% for general expenditure and 3% for the new amount of the Precept for the current year, the bill would show increases of 1.9% for Core Council Tax and 3% for Adults Social Care respectively.
Whilst this presentation is different to the presentation of increases elsewhere on the bill, we are required to show it this way to comply with regulations. By way of an example for Band D:
Combined |
Core |
ASC Precept |
Band D Council Tax 2021/22 |
1,751.01 |
1,597.56 |
153.45 |
Combined Increase applied - 4.9% |
85.80 |
- |
- |
Core Increase applied - 1.9% (of £1,751.01) |
- |
33.27 |
- |
ASC Increase applied - 3% (of £1,751.01) |
- |
- |
52.53 |
Band D Council Tax 2022/23 |
1,836.81 |
1,630.83 |
205.98 |
The amount of council tax you pay depends on which band your property is in. Your property has been placed into one of eight valuation bands by the Valuation Office Agency, based on its’ value as at 1st April 1991.
Your property’s council tax band is shown on your bill. If you think your property has been placed in the wrong council tax band please contact the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) by telephoning 03000 501 501 or visiting the website at
You also have the right to appeal against your council tax bill if you think that:
- the Council has made a mistake when working out your bill; or
- you should not pay council tax; or
- your property should be exempt or free from council tax.
Write to us telling us why you are appealing against your council tax bill.
A | Up to £40,000 |
B | £40,001 to £52,000 |
C | £52,001 to £68,000 |
D | £68,001 to £88,000 |
E | £88,001 to £120,000 |
F | £120,001 to £160,000 |
G | £160,001 to £320,000 |
H | Over £320,000 |
Are you paying too much Council Tax?
Please take time to read the following information carefully. It tells you about the help you may be able to claim if you, or another adult in your home, is on a low income, either in or out of work. There are also council tax reductions available for special circumstances; for example if a member of your family is disabled, or severely mentally impaired, or your partner now lives permanently in a nursing home.
Local Council Tax Support Scheme (previously Council Tax Benefit)
If you are on a low income either working, unemployed or retired, you may get help paying your council tax bill by applying for help under the Local Council Tax Support Scheme. The amount of help you receive will depend on your income.
Good news for Pensioners
If you are over 60 years old you can have savings of up to £10,000 without it affecting your benefit. You may even get some help paying your bill if you have savings of up to £16,000. However, if you are entitled to Guarantee Pension Credit you may have savings of more than £16,000 and still qualify for Housing Benefit and Local Council Tax Support.
Please bear in mind that benefit will normally only be awarded from the Monday following the date you make your claim.
Reductions for Carers
Your council tax bill may be reduced if you care for another member of your household for more than 35 hours each week. The person you care for must be in receipt of (or entitled to) certain state benefits such as the higher rate Attendance Allowance or the highest rate of the care component of a Disability Living Allowance. (Under the current rules, you will not receive a reduction if you are a Carer for your partner or any of your children under the age of 18).
You may also receive a reduction if you work for a Council or a Charity as a Residential care worker. You must work for at least 24 hours each week and earn no more than £44 per week. A house left empty by somebody providing care to someone elsewhere is free from council tax, as is a house left empty by someone who is receiving care permanently in a Nursing Home or Hospital.
Reductions for People with Disabilities
Your council tax bill may also be reduced if you, or someone who lives with you is permanently disabled and, because of their disability, needs one of the following:
- A room which is not a kitchen, bathroom or toilet and is used mainly by the disabled person. You may need an extra room for therapy/treatment e.g. a room used mainly for therapy for an autistic child.
- A second bathroom or a kitchen for the disabled person to use.
- Extra space inside the home for a wheelchair - the wheelchair must be used indoors.
Reductions for People with Severe Mental Impairments
Your council tax bill may be reduced if you or someone you live with has a severe mental impairment such as Alzheimers or any form of dementia, including those associated with a Stroke. If the person with the severe mental impairment lives alone then their property will be exempt or free from council tax. If the person with the severe mental impairment lives in a property with other adults, the bill may be reduced because that person will not be counted for council tax purposes.
Council Tax Discounts
The full council tax bill is worked out based on 2 or more adults living in a property. If only 1 adult lives in a property the bill will be reduced by 25%.
Due to special circumstances some adults will also not be counted when we work out how much council tax you have to pay. These are:
- People receiving care in nursing homes, care homes, hospitals and hostels.
- People who are severely mentally impaired (includes those suffering from Alzheimers, Strokes and other forms of dementia).
- School leavers or people aged 18 for whom you receive child benefit.
- People aged 18 or 19 still in full-time education (other than those in Higher Education).
- Full-time students & student nurses.
- Youth trainees & apprentices.
- Members of visiting overseas forces.
- Members of certain religious communities.
- People in prison (except for those in prison for non-payment of council tax or a fine).
Occupied Properties Free from Council Tax:
The following types of occupied property may be free from Council Tax:
- Properties lived in only by people who are severely mentally impaired (includes those suffering from Alzheimers, Strokes and other forms of dementia).
- Self-contained properties like ‘Granny Flats’ which are occupied by a dependant relative.
- Halls of Residence or properties lived in only by students or by people under 18 years old.
- Properties lived in by foreign diplomats or visiting armed forces
- Properties owned by the Secretary of State and occupied by army personnel.
If you live in an annexe and you are related to the person liable to pay the council tax of the main dwelling you may be entitled to a 50% discount in the amount of council tax that is due to be paid.
Properties left empty and free from Council Tax for a set period:
- Unoccupied and substantially unfurnished properties – free for 1 month.
- Properties left empty after someone dies - free up to the date probate is granted, and then for a further 6 months (if ownership is not transferred).
- Properties owned by charities and was last occupied in furtherance of the objects of the charity - free for 6 months.
Properties left empty and are exempt or free from Council Tax
In most cases the following properties are free from council tax:
- properties left empty by people living permanently in hospital or homes; or by people receiving care elsewhere; or by people who are caring for someone else.
- properties left empty because of a repossession.
- properties left empty by students - provided it was their only or main home and is owned or rented by them.
- properties left empty and awaiting occupation by a Minister of Religion.
- properties left empty by prisoners - except for people who are in prison for not paying their council tax or a fine.
- empty properties that are self-contained and cannot be let separately because they are attached to another property.
Properties left empty and council tax has to be paid:
A dwelling which is vacant - unoccupied and substantially unfurnished - and which has been empty for longer than one month will not receive any council tax discount.
Properties which are unoccupied but furnished will not receive any council tax discount. However, if you have to have a 2nd home because of your job you may still be entitled to a 50% discount.
Properties that need or are undergoing major repair work or structural alterations can receive a 50% discount for up to 12 months.
Properties left empty for 2 years or more:
If you own a property that has been empty and unfurnished for a period of 2 years or more you will be charged an empty homes premium. This premium has been set at 100% and means that you will be required to pay 200% of the council tax that has been set for the band which your property falls into.
The Environment Agency is a levying body for its Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Functions under the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 and the Environment Agency (Levies) (England and Wales) Regulations 2011.
For further information please click on the following link:
If you have any questions please contact customer services on 03708 506 506.
To report an incident telephone 0800 80 70 60 or a flood 0345 988 1188.
Everyone who commits benefit fraud is a benefit thief! Many people assume that benefit theft applies only to those who are working for ‘cash in hand’ whilst claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance. This is not the case. All benefit theft is crime.
Benefit theft includes:
- not telling us that you are now living with a partner.
- not telling us that you are receiving other benefits.
- not telling us about any savings or not telling us the right amount.
- Claiming for children who have left home.
- not telling us that you have started work, or about any earnings.
- not telling us that you have inherited money.
- not telling us that you are going abroad, living abroad, or have changed address.
There are no exceptions. People who knowingly withhold information or deliberately fail to report a change in their circumstances are benefit thieves. It is not ‘playing the game’ – it is breaking the law!
Telephone our 24 hour hotline in confidence – 01429 523157
If you have any questions about your council tax bill or the please contact us at:
Revenues & Benefits Section, Civic Centre, Hartlepool, TS24 8AY
Tel: 01429 284277 (Revenues) or 01429 284188 (Benefits)
Email: or