Budget Consultation
Balancing Hartlepool’s Budget 2024-2025
Every February, Hartlepool Borough Council sets a budget for the year ahead which outlines how much money we will be able to spend on each of the services we provide. Looking ahead to 2024/25, we have forecast a budget gap of £5.6m. That is the difference between what we expect to receive in income and the cost of continuing to provide all of our services at the current level. Over the period 2024/25 to 2026/27 this budget gap increases to £13.7m. We continue to lobby national government for a fairer share of funding but in the meantime we have a legal responsibility, as a council, to set a balanced budget.
Have your say on our budget proposals
In our ‘Balancing the Budget’ booklet we have set out the financial challenge we face and have shared with you how we propose to balance our budget. We have explained why increasing Council Tax is an option we must consider, including that the Government expects us to do so. Further detail can be found in the report taken to November’s Finance and Policy Committee (please see Part 1, report 4.4 - Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) 2024/25 to 2026/27).
Now it is your opportunity to tell us what you think about our budget proposals. We want you to share any suggestions that you may have for other ways that you think the Council can make savings or generate more money.
You can complete the survey online by using the following link: https://yoursay.hartlepool.gov.uk/balancing-the-budget-2024-25
Or scanning the QR code:
Paper surveys are also available in the Community Hubs and the Civic Centre with a freepost address provided for returning the survey.
The deadline to take part in the Budget Consultation is 1st January 2024.
Please click here to have your say |