Countryside Team
The Countryside Team are part of the "Partnership for Nature". A unique collaboration between EDF Energy, Natural England, Teesmouth Field Centre and Hartlepool Borough Council. The partnership pool their talents and resources with the aim of making Hartlepool a leading light in terms of conservation, environmental education and access to nature for the public.
The Countryside Team are responsible for managing five of the six Local Nature Reserves in the Borough of Hartlepool:
- Seaton Common and Dunes
- Greatham Beck
- Summerhill
- Spion Kop
- Hart to Haswell Walkway
- Hart Warren Dunes
A dedicated group of Parks & Countryside volunteers support the team in their work. If you are interested in volunteering with the team please contact us, alternatively complete the on line application form.
Their duties include the organisation of various environmental education activities for local schools and community groups; offering guidance and advice to the public on countryside and conservation matters.
Activities and events for all ages are provided by the team throughout the year.