Volunteering with the Countryside Team
Volunteers are a vital part of the Countryside section, without their assistance the Local Nature Reserves, Public Rights of Way and the wider Countryside of Hartlepool would not be in such excellent condition.
Volunteers are involved in a wide variety of activities including:
- Practical conservation tasks on the Local Nature Reserves
- Site management tasks within many green spaces and parks in Hartlepool
- Monitoring and surveying of Local Nature Reserves and Local Wildlife Sites
- Public Rights of Way monitoring and maintenance
Our main volunteer days are Tuesday and Thursday, however you can volunteer as much or as little time as you wish and you decide what type of work you would like to be involved with.
People volunteer for many different reasons and because of this any potential new volunteer is guaranteed to join an experienced and knowledgeable team where you can meet new people, learn new, varied and useful skills, improve your CV and gain valuable experience working in Hartlepool's green spaces.
All volunteers are asked to complete an application form which includes a medical questionnaire. Alternatively you can download an application form and return it to the contact address below.
Groups and other organisations to get involved with
Friends of Hartlepool's Wild Green Spaces
Email: friendshartlepoolwgs@virginmedia.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/FOHWGS
Tel No: 07769 815017
Friends of Ward Jackson Park
Email: friendsofwardjacksonpark@hotmail.co.uk
Facebook: www.facebook.com/WardJacksonParkHartlepool
Website: friendsofwardjacksonpark.moonfruit.com/
Tel No: 07542 200175
Friends of Seaton Park
Facebook: www.facebook.com/friendsofseatonpark
Friends of Teesmouth, Seaton Dunes and Common
Email: countryside.wardens@hartlepool.gov.uk
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Friends-of-Teesmouth-Seaton-Dunes-Common
Tel No: 01429 853325