COVID and your child's school attendance

COVID and your child's school attendance - guidance for parents/carers

Covid continues to be a virus that we are having to learn to live with and we know that this has caused us all many challenges. We thank you for your efforts, despite these challenges, to ensure your child/ren access their education. It is important to reduce the disruption to your child’s education by ensuring they attend school every day. Schools are open and attendance is mandatory for all pupils of compulsory school age.

A child is of compulsory age between the school term after their fifth birthday and the last Friday in June in the school year they turn 16.

All absences from school are recorded with a specific code depending on the type of absence. Absences usually fall into two main categories; authorised or unauthorised. Only the school, not parents can authorise an absence.

Failure to ensure your child attends school regularly, is an offence and you could be issued with a Penalty Notice or be prosecuted. This could result in a fine of up to £2,500 or imprisonment.

If you are experiencing problems ensuring your child attends school regularly you should speak to school as early as possible. School can help solve any problems or address any worries or concerns.

Frequently Asked Questions

My child has been in contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid do they need to isolate?

No. Your child does not need to self-isolate. It is strongly advised that they take a lateral flow test every day for seven days following close contact with someone positive for Covid and they should continue to attend school unless they test positive.

My child is fully vaccinated, do they still need to take daily lateral flow test if they have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid?

Yes. Your child still needs to take part in daily lateral flow test for seven days following close contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid.

My child is under 5 do they have to take part in daily lateral flow test following close contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid?

No. Children under the age of 5 are exempt from daily lateral flow testing and self-isolation rules. They should continue to attend nursery or school unless they are showing any symptoms of Covid.

My child has tested positive for Covid on a lateral flow test - do they have to self-isolate?

Yes. Your child needs to self-isolate for 10 days. Your child can leave isolation early on day 8 if they have a negative test result on a lateral flow test taken on days six and seven. You must leave 24 hours between each test and your child should not have a high temperature.

My child’s PCR test has come back negative can they return to school?

Yes. Your child can return to school if well enough to do so following a negative PCR test result.

Remote Learning

We understand that remote learning at home can be challenging for parents, carers, and children. Many parents and carers are balancing various responsibilities while supporting their children with remote learning at home. If your child is offered remote learning, they should access the lessons remotely and complete the tasks set. The school will be working hard to deliver high-quality remote learning. This will be a mixture of recorded and live lessons.

Schools have systems in place to check your child’s engagement with remote learning and they can monitor attendance at live and recorded lessons. School staff will contact parents and carers if they have concerns about the level of your child’s engagement. Missing remote lessons can harm your child’s educational attainment.

If you are having any issues accessing the remote learning you should check your schools website for information or contact the school directly so they can support you to resolve any issues.