Henry Smith Education Charity

The Henry Smith Education Charity Grants

Who was Henry Smith?

Henry Smith was an alderman of London who, in 1620, made over his estate to trustees for charitable purposes. One of the trustees was Richard Lumley, lord of the manor of Hart and it is most likely that Hartlepool came to benefit through this route. The Charity Commission website currently records some 43 Henry Smith charities which are independent of each other. 

Henry Smith Education Charity

The aims and objectives of the Hartlepool Henry Smith Education Charity (no 527395) are “to promote the education of persons under the age of 25 who are in need of financial assistance and are resident in the Borough of Hartlepool.

Hartlepool Borough Council is the custodian of the Charity and it is run by 8 trustees. Of these, 3 trustees are nominated by the Council and 5 trustees elected by the Charity. The Charity is assisted by officers from the Council’s finance, legal, estate and admin teams. 

What can I get a grant for?

Anything that can be shown to meet the Charity’s aims and objectives – for example: clothing, books, tools, instruments, fees, travel costs all to be associated with education and/or training up to the age of 25 years. You must be at a recognised education or training establishment and you must have a good record of attendance. 

How much can I get?

The Charity’s income is modest and generated from its capital invested via the Council. Subject to interest rates, the Charity is likely to offer grants to about 25 people. A typical grant might be of the order of £50 to £150 based on individual needs and circumstances.

When can I apply?

Anytime. The Charity receives its income after the financial year end in April and agrees the total amount to be distributed in grants at its regular June quarterly meeting.  It is expected that most applications would be made when students are moving between primary / secondary / tertiary / training establishments in the summer. The Charity’s intention would be to review most applications in their regular September quarterly meeting.  Applications received after the September meeting date may be considered if residual funds remain at the Trustee’s meeting in March near the end of the financial year.

How do I apply?

You will need to provide evidence including reasons why you are applying for a grant and why financial assistance is needed. Your application must be supported and submitted by an advocate in your education or training establishment who can verify your identity and accuracy of information.

It is recommended that you should discuss your proposed application with an advocate before completing an application form.

The application form should then be downloaded by the applicant, completed as far as possible, saved and then emailed to the advocate.

Your advocate can then complete the application form with you and clarify any wording etc, before saving the form and then emailing it to the Charity.

What happens next?

Your application will be considered by the Trustees of the Henry Smith Education Charity at either the September or March meetings of the Trustees and you will be informed of their decision once they have met. 

Application Form          Advocate Guidance          Policy and Procedures