Assessment of Special Educational Needs
A statutory assessment is a detailed exploration to find out exactly what your child's special educational needs, looks at outcomes for them to achieve and decide on the support they will receive to help them to do this. A statutory assessment is only necessary if your child's education setting cannot provide all the help that they need and will usually happen after the graduated approach has been followed.
In Hartlepool, a statutory assessment is also known as a Co-ordinated Assessment and covers a child's Education, Health and Care needs (if they have needs in these areas). In all cases, children must be identified as having a special educational need and the assessment will be coordinated by the Local Authorities SEND Team.
Any professional working to support your child can request that the Local Authority (LA) carries out a statutory assessment. Requests are most often made by the SENCO or Head Teacher of your child's education setting, but can be made at any time from birth to the age of 25. You can talk to any of the people who support your child about a statutory assessment and, if they agree that an assessment is needed, they should sit down with you to complete the request.
You can also make a parental request for an assessment by writing to the SEND Team direct.
When making this consideration the LA should pay attention to:
- Evidence that a school has responded appropriately to the requirements of the National Curriculum
- Evidence provided by the child's school, parents and other professionals where they have been involved with the child, as to the nature, extent and cause of the child's learning difficulties
- Evidence of action already taken by the child's school to meet and overcome those difficulties
- Evidence about the rate and style of the child's progress
- Evidence that some progress has been made, it has only been as a result of much additional effort and instruction at a sustained level not usually commensurate with provision through SEN Support
If a child has significant difficulties, it may be appropriate for a child to have an immediate referral for Statutory Assessment.
Click here to download the Special Educational Needs and/or Disability (SEND) Policy.