Children and Young People's Decision Making

We provide lots of opportunities for children and young people to have their say on things that happen to them or to give their opinion on improving things that the council provides.  This provides positive change and adults then understand issues from a child and young person's point of view.  It is a basic right of children and young people to have a say on what happens in their lives.

They can:

  • Be part of their Primary or Secondary School Council.
  • Be part of the town-wide Hartlepool Youth Council.
  • Be a grant giver panel member who distribute funds to youth organisations across the town.
  • Be a Junior or Young Inspector who inspect services in the town that young people use and give feedback to make improvements.
  • Sit on interview panels that employ officers in the council.
  • Be part of the Children in Care Council who seek to make improvements for those children and young people who are looked after and in care of the local authority.

We do this in a fun way:

  • Weekly groups that plan things, update Facebook etc.
  • Plan awards evening, make videos.
  • Attend council meetings to give their views.
  • Go on summer holiday activities and residentials.
  • Run consultation events with young people.

If you have something to say about what happens in Hartlepool and you want to make positive changes and improvements for children and young people then get in touch!

Ring the Standards, Engagement and Development Team on 01429 284292
