Apply for a primary school place


For children born between 1st September 2019 and 31st August 2020

Hartlepool Local Authority operates single-term entry for children starting primary school.  If you have a child(ren) born between 1st September 2019 and 31st August 2020 they will be due to start Primary School in September 2024

The application period is between 7th November 2023 and 15th January 2024.  You can make your application on-line during this period*.  Before you submit your application please read the Education in Hartlepool - September 2024 booklet carefully.  The booklet provides information on the admission process, key dates and lots of information which you may find useful, including delaying your child’s entry into primary school and applying for your child to be educated out of year group.

Deferring/Delaying Your Child's Entry into Primary School

Legally, a chiuld does not have to be educated fgull-time until the prescribed day following their fifth birthday (or on their fifth birthday if it falls on a prescribed day). The prescribed days are 31st December, 31st March and 31st August.

You may feel your child is young for their age, or you may have family reasons for wanting to defer their entry into primary school. Alternatively, you may wish your child to attend school part-time until they reach compulsory school age. You may also be considering delaying your child's entry into primary school until the following academic yeare (relevant for children born between 1st April and 31st August.

In these situations, you still need to apply for a school place within the timescales set out above. For further information please read the Education in Hartlepool - September 2024 booklet and contact the Admissions Team (contact details below). Please apply for a place in the normal way and by the closing date of 15th January 2024.

To secure your child's place at primary school, you must submit your application (along with any supporting documents such as a baptism certificate) by 15th January 2024.  If your application is received after this deadline, we will treat it as late and deal with it after the applications which were received on time.

School Admissions On-line

To apply on-line, simply enter the site by clicking the link in the box above and following the step-by-step instructions.  Please note, only Hartlepool residents can apply through the Hartlepool site.  If you reside outside of Hartlepool, please apply to your home authority (i.e. the council which you pay your Council Tax to).

The benefits of applying on-line are:

  • Simple step-by-step instructions
  • Change your application at any time until the deadline for receiving applications
  • Your application will automatically be confirmed by e-mail
  • Find out on-line which school place we have offered your child
  • Register that you still have an interest in a school

* If you would prefer to submit your application on a paper application form, please download the application form or contact the School Admissions Team on 01429 523765.

School admissions brochures

The following brochures explain everything you need to know about obtaining a place for your child.

Contact us

Should you require any further assistance in relation to secondary school admissions please contact School Admissions on 01429 523765, or email