Direct Debit Fundraising
Face-to-face fundraising is the solicitation of a regular gift (usually monthly) to charity, usually by a direct debit or, much more infrequently, a standing order. However, one type of F2F – prospecting – does not involve any ask for money at that time.
Charities strive to find donors who will give them a fixed amount each month rather than make one-off or ad hoc donations, because this gives them a predictable income stream and allows them to plan their expenditure on charitable services and programmes. F2F is one of the most cost-effective ways for charities to find new regular donors.
F2F refers only to fundraising for such regular gifts and does not cover collections of cash. In fact, F2F fundraisers cannot accept gifts of cash. They don’t carry collecting buckets so would have no way of recording and securing the money they were giving. And, because cash collections need a licence and F2F fundraising (on the street) does not, accepting a cash gift without having a licence would be illegal.
The Public Fundraising Regulatory Association (PFRA) provides a code of practice for all forms of direct debit face-to-face fundraising.
If you wish to carry out F2F fundraising please email the details to