Police and Crime Commissioner Election 2016
Barry Coppinger was elected as Police and Crime Commissioner.
Overall certificate of result – first count
Overall certificate of result – second count
Hartlepool certificate of first count totals
Hartlepool certificate of second count totals
What is a Police and Crime Commissioner?
Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) are elected representatives who oversee how crime is tackled in a police force area. Their aim is to cut crime and to ensure the police force is effective.
PCCs are there to serve the people, not a political party or any one section of the community. Therefore when they are elected to office, every PCC must declare their commitment to serve every member of the public impartially and with integrity by swearing an oath of impartiality.
Mr Coppinger has held the position since 2012
What do Police and Crime Commissioners do?
PCCs hold the police to account for delivering the kind of policing you want to see.
In summary, they bring a public voice to policing by:
- engaging with the public and victims of crime to help set police and crime plans;
- ensuring the police force budget is spent where it matters most; and
- appointing, and where necessary dismissing, the chief constable.