Prevent in Hartlepool
Prevent is part of the Government’s counter-terrorism strategy CONTEST and is designed to safeguard vulnerable people and communities from the risk of radicalisation and being drawn into terrorism.
Radicalisation is the process by which a person comes to support terrorism and forms of extremism leading to terrorism.
Terrorism is a violent action or threat designed to create fear and advance a political, religious or ideological cause.
Ideology is a set of beliefs related to a specific group or individual.
Hartlepool, and all local authorities, use a programme called Channel to deliver the legal duty placed on them by the Counter Terrorism and Security Act (2015) to prevent people being drawn into terrorism.
Channel is a voluntary, confidential, early intervention programme that supports people who may be at risk of being drawn into terrorism.
Many types of support are available as part of Channel including support at school, in the workplace, for substance abuse, by working with specialist mentors, mental health key workers and doctors.
Taking part in Channel does not go on someone’s criminal record. It means getting an individual the right kind of help and support before any criminal activity takes place.
Further information is available in the Channel Duty Guidance
Focus of Prevent in Hartlepool
- Prevent people from being drawn into terrorism and ensure that they are given appropriate advice and support.
- Respond to the ideological challenge of terrorism and the threat we face from those who promote it.
- Work with sectors and institutions where there are risks of radicalisation which we need to address.
Prevent is:
- Safeguarding vulnerable individuals from radicalisation
- Everyone's responsibilty
- Tackling terrorism in al its form
Prevent is not:
- A spying mechanism
- Focused on any particular religion or ethnicity
- Stifling free speech
If you are worried about someone being radicalised, you can get help by visiting the GOV.UK Prevent Guidance Page here.
External Links
For further information or advice on how to refer someone to Prevent, please contact:
Philip Hepburn
Community Safety and Operations Manager
Telephone: 01429 523258