COVID 19 page - Key Control Measures
Welcoming Back Our Staff and Learners
As Hartlepool Borough Council’s Learning and Skills welcomes back all staff, learners, volunteers and visitors back into the Service, we want you to know that the health, safety and wellbeing of everyone is our main priority.
We want you to know that the following key control measures have been put in place throughout the Service to comply with Government guidelines to limit the transmission of COVID-19:
- The building has been deep cleaned and there will be enhanced cleaning throughout the building, including frequently touched surfaces and classrooms;
- Social distancing measures have been put in place and we ask that all staff, learners, volunteers and visitors are respectful of this policy when they are within the building and adhere to the floor markings and follow the one way system that has been implemented within the Service;
- Where necessary, appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) will be worn by staff members and there will be hand sanitiser stations and antibacterial wipes available throughout the building;
- Staff and learners to ensure they wash their hands thoroughly on a regular basis;
- The use of the lift will be limited so please notify a member of staff if you require the use of the lift;
- Learners and staff to remain a 2 metre distance where possible;
- Reduced class-sized groups and learner bubbles have been created to reduce the risk of transmission and spread of the virus;
- Introduction of staggered start and end times for courses;
- The Service has implemented the NHS Test and Trace process and require any staff member or learner to inform them immediately if they display any symptoms of COVID-19, or have been in close contact with anyone who has tested positive for the virus;
- If you develop symptoms whilst on site please inform a member of staff immediately.
Learning & Skills COVID-19 Guidance