Hartlepool Governor Support Service

Useful Acronyms

Articles of Association The Articles of Association is the formal governing document for an academy; it sets out its rules for operating, including the composition of the governing body.
Attainment targets / Age Related Expectations (ARE) These establish what children of different abilities should be expected to know and be able to do by the end of each key stage of the national curriculum.
Chair's Action In maintained school the chair is allowed to take decisions without asking the governing body if a delay will be detrimental to the school, a member of staff, a pupil or a parent.  In academies, this power is not automatic and must be delegated to the chair.

An agreement between two or more schools to work together on one particular issue.  They keep their individual governing boards, but may set up a joint committee to which they can delegate power.

Community schools Maintained schools at which the LA is the employer, owns the land and buildings and sets the admission criteria.
CPD Continuing Professional Development for school staff or governors.
DDA Disability Discrimination Act.
Delegated Budget Money provided to school, which governors can manage at their discretion.
Delegated Powers Authority given to a committee, an individual governor or the Headteacher to take action on behalf of the governing board.  In multi academy trusts this also refers to powers delegated to local governing bodies.
DfE Department of Education - the government department responsible for schools and children (formerly DCSF).
EAL English as an Additional Language.
EFA Education Funding Agency - it is responsible for all revenue and capital funding for schools.
Exclusion The temporary of permanent removal of a pupil from school for serious beaches of the school's behaviour and discipline policy.
Ex Officio Able to attend meetings by virtue of holding a particular office.
Extended schools/services Schools that provide a rang of services and activities often beyond the school day, to help meet the needs of the pupils, their families and the wider community.
Federation Two or more maintained schools governed by one governing body.
Foundation Stage Curriculum followed by children below statutory school age, in schools and nursery/pre-school provision.
FSM Free school meals - pupils are eligible for FSM if their parent receive certain benefits.
HLTA High Level Teaching Assistant.
HMCI Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Schools.
HMI Her Majesty's Inspector.
IEP Individual Education Plan for pupils with special needs.
Instrument of Government A legal document setting out the composition of maintained school governing bodies.
KS 1-4 Key stages 1-4.  The four stages of the national curriculum: KS1 for pupils aged 5-7, KS2 for 7-1; KS3 for 11-14.  KS5 applies to 16-19 years olds but is not part of the national curriculum.
LA Local authority - the LA has certain responsibilities regarding education, for example the educational achievement of looked after children.  It will also provide other services to schools, which may be provided via a service level agreement to maintained schools and in many cases academies.
LAC Looked After Children.
MAT Multi academy trust - where two or more academies are governed by one trust (the members)) and a board or trustees (the trustees).
National Curriculum This was established by the 1988 Education Reform Act to ensure that all pupils receive a broad and balanced education, which is relevant to their needs.
Non-teaching (support staff) Members of the school staff employed to provide services in a school, such as teaching assistants, cleaners and office staff.
NQT Newly Qualified Teacher.
Ofsted Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills - the board which inspects education and training for learners of all ages and inspects and regulates care for children and young people.
PAN Published Admissions Number - the number of children the LA (or governing board of a foundation or voluntary aided school or academy) determines must be admitted to any one year group in the school.  
PI Performance Indicators (sometimes called key performance indicators).  Used to evaluate the success of a school or of a particular activity in which in engages.
PPA Planning, Preparation and Assessment - 10% guaranteed non-contact time
PRU Pupil Referral Unit - alternative education provision for pupils unable to attend a mainstream school or special school.
Pupil Premium Funding allocated to schools to support pupils eligible for FSM, in care or who have parents in the armed forces.
QTS Qualified Teacher Status.
Quorate A meeting is quorate if a sufficient number of members are present.  Decisions can only be ratified if a meeting is quorate.
Quorum The minimum of members present at a meeting before decisions can be made.
RAISEonline Reporting and Analysis for Improvement through School Self-Evaluation is the web-based system to disseminate school performance data to schools.
Resolution A formal decision which has been proposed, seconded and agreed - not necessarily by a vote - at a meeting.
RWM Reading, Writing and Maths.
SAT's Standard Assessment Tasks - used for national curriculum assessment.
School Census A statutory return which takes place during the autumn, spring and summer terms.
School Development Plan (SDP) The operational document describing how the school will work towards the strategic priorities set by the governing board.
Schools Forum A Schools Forum has been established in each LA area to advise on the allocation of the funding for schools - the majority of places on this board should be filled by governors and Headteacher, preferably in equal numbers.
SCR Single Central Record.
SEF Self Evaluation Form - a document prepared by schools to help assess their strengths and areas for development.
SEND Special Educational Needs and Disabilities - learning difficulties for which special educational provision has to be made.
SENCO SEN Co-ordinator - the teacher responsible for co-ordinating SEND provision in the school.
Service Level Agreement A contract between a service provider (usually the local authority) and a school that defines the level of service expected from the service provider.
SFVS Schools Financial Value Standard - a means for the governing board to assess its financial processes, capabilities and skills.
SIMS Schools Information and Management System - a computer package to assist schools in managing information on pupils, staff and resources.
SIP School Improvement Partner.
Skills Audit Used to record skills of individual governors and help identify strengths and gaps in knowledge of governing bodies as a whole.  This can be used to support governor recruitment and highlight governor training needs.
Special School Pupils with a statement of special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) or an education, health and care plan, whose needs cannot be fully met from within mainstream provision.
STPCD School Teachers' Pay and Conditions Document - an annually published document which forms a part of the contract of all teachers and Headteachers in maintained schools in England and Wales.  Many academies will also follow the STPCD.  
Strategic Plan The school's strategic document which sets out a small number of key priorities for the school over the next 3-5 years.  The governing board should take the lead on developing the strategic plan.
TA Teaching Assistant.
Terms of Reference The scope and limitations of a committee's activity or area of knowledge.
TLR Teaching and Learning Responsibility - payments made to teachers for an additional responsibility.