Admission Arrangements for Voluntary Aided, Foundation Schools and Academies 2017/2018

The School Admission Code requires all admission authorities to have determined admission arrangements for 2017/2018 by 28th February 2016.  The Code also requires admission arrangements to be published on the school website by 15th March 2016.  All schools and academies must submit a copy of their full admission arrangements to their LA by 15th March 2016.

Admission arrangements for each voluntary aided, foundation school and academy can be found below.  If you are unable to find the supplementary form for a school, it should be available on the school's website, or by contacting the school directly.

Under the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 (section 88H) any person has the right to refer an objection to the Schools Adjudicator if they consider that admission arrangements do not comply with the law or the mandatory requirements of the DFE School Admissions Code.  Objections to the arrangements must be made by 15th May 2016 to the Office of Schools Adjudicator, Bishopsgate House, Feethams, Darlington, DL1 5QE.  Tel: 01325 340402 or email