School admission arrangements

We have a statutory duty to make sure that there are sufficient school places available in Hartlepool for every Hartlepool child whose parent/carers wish them to have one. We work in partnership with schools and academies to make sure parental preference can be met as far as possible.  As a result of this work we continue to be well above national average for both primary and secondary school preferences. 

Changes to admission arrangements are consulted on with Governing Bodies and all schools and academies.

Hartlepool Admission Arrangements 

These documents explain the admission policy and oversubscription criteria:

Number of school places available at each school

How school places are offered (known as the co-ordinated admissions scheme)

These documents explain how school places are offered:

How to make an objection

Any person has the right to refer an objection to the Schools Adjudicator if they consider that admission arrangements do not comply with the law or the mandatory requirements of the DFE School Admission Code.

Objections should be sent to:

Office of Schools Adjudicator
Bishopsgate House
Tel: 01325 340402

You must provide your name and address and submit your objection by no later than 15th May 2023 for it to be considered.