Emergency Planning

Cleveland Emergency Planning Unit

​Cleveland Emergency Planning Unit (CEPU) provides an emergency planning service to the four local authorities in the former Cleveland area.  Our role is to ensure the local authorities are prepared to respond to emergencies and to support the emergency services and the community.

As well as this range of options the CEPU will continue to deliver the popular Coping with School Emergencies training sessions annually (module information attached below).  The course is accredited and those attending will receive a Certificate of Attendance.

And, following the successful delivery of a number of training sessions and subsequent feedback, the CEPU can now offer further support in wiriting and testing your Emergency Plans. As a result of this increase in demand we have developed a range of options for schools to develop both their understanding of emergencies and their preparedness in responding to emergency incidents.

Range of options available are:

1.     Developing and Writing the Schools Emergency Plan

Experienced officers from the Emergency Planning Unit will write your Schools Emergency Plan, they will work closely with you to ensure it is bespoke to your Schools needs.

COST   £697

2.     Training the Schools Emergency Management Team (SEMT)

Emergency Planning Officers from the CEPU team will provide training to your School Emergency Management Team members to ensure they are aware of the content of the Emergency Plan, their role in an emergency and the expectations on the school in responding to an emergency. This training session will also cover the role of the Emergency Services and the Local Authority, the support that can be provided by these agencies and the expectations they will have on you. 

COST   £615

3.     Exercise and Test

Local Authority Emergency Planning Officers will facilitate an exercise involving the SEMT to test the robustness of the School Emergency Plan and a debrief report will be produced to highlight any learning from the exercise.  

COST   £1107


Each of the above components can be provided individually, however the full package is available at a discounted rate of £1999.


Rachael Campbell

Principal Emergency Planning Officer

Tel: 01642 301515

Email: rachael.campbell@hartlepool.gov.uk