Youth Support Services

Youth Support Services offer a wide range of activities, advice and support from dedicated Youth Centres, the One Stop Shop and from various locations across the town via the Youth Service Mobile and Detached service. 

Youth Voice Hartlepool along with Hartlepool artist Mandascat have created a simple and fun recipe book of healthy, tasty food to help give young people confidence in the kitchen. To download your copy, click on the link below.

Scran - A Young Person's Guide To Easy Cooking

Young people from the Stand Together group worked with Hartlepool College of Further Education on an anti-bullying campaign launched as part of their Holocaust Memorial Day commemorations. To download the posters, click on the link below.

anti-bullying posters

For more information about emotional wellbeing support, click on the handbook below.

emotional wellbeing handbook

For more information about activities in your area, check out the directory below.

Young People's Out of School Activities

The One Stop Shop offers young people a wide range of services including:

  • Support into Education, Training or Employment
  • Health and Relationship advice
  • Support with money issues, benefits advice, student finance and budgeting
  • Job search facilities including Curriculum Vitae support
  • Support around housing issues
  • Opportunities for personal and social development
  • C Card, Chlamydia and pregnancy testing

Why not come and visit us?

The One Stop Shop is in Middleton Grange Shopping Centre next to the Galley and above Argos. We are open Monday to Friday, 10am to 5pm.

Alternatively, you can call us on 01429 523900. 

Click here to download our Membership Application Form

Looking for more information on how we store and share your information?

Click here to download our privacy notice

Rozzy Plaza Skate Park

Click here to download our terms and conditions for the under 16s and over 16s

