Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO)
For further advice or information about Traffic Regulation Orders telephone 01429 523244.
Hartlepool Borough Council receives a wide range of requests for traffic regulation orders, from speed limits, double yellow lines or school-time parking restrictions, to one-way streets and banned turns.
Upon receiving a request consultation takes place with the emergency services, public transport operators, taxi representatives, etc, and, if no objections are received, informal consultation will then take place with any residents or businesses directly affected.
The order then needs to go through a legal advertising process, during which anyone has the right to object.
Often, introducing an order to benefit one group of people can turn out to have a detrimental effect on another, and a balance needs to be struck in order to make the best use of the available road space.
The Council is responsible for setting all speed limits on roads apart from those which are at the national speed limit. The highway network is regularly assessed to ensure the most appropriate limits are in place on each road, to ensure the free flow of traffic and to contribute to the Council's casualty reduction aims.