Gully Cleansing
Hartlepool Borough Council is responsible for rainwater gullies. Rainwater gullies are typically at the side of roads or in the middle of back streets.
To report a blocked gully complete our online form below:
Or you can report it by telephoning the Customer Service Centre on 01429 523333.
We aim to clear blocked gullies within three working days.
All gullies are cleansed at least once per year, but those gullies in areas with known issues are cleansed twice or more per year. Hartlepool Borough Council also carries out emergency clearances of ditches, gullies and drains when flooding of roads or pavements is occurring.
Hartlepool Borough Council is not responsible for sewerage manholes/gullies:
- Manholes/gullies that are within private properties are the responsibility of the property owner
- Manholes/gullies in public areas are the responsibility of Northumbrian Water (Tel: 0345 717 1100)