Paying your Allotment Rent
New allotment rental structure comes into force 1 April 2019
From 1 April 2019 allotment rents will be calculated on a new, fairer, system based on the size of your plot. This means that all tenants will be paying their rent at the same rate. The new rental price is made up of a £25 standing charge plus 16.5 pence per square metre.
For example, if your plot is 250m2 your new rent will be £66.25 (i.e. 250 x 16.5 + 25).
Most tenants will only see a small change of a few pennies/pounds either way, with only those plots whose historic rents were out of kilter with their neighbours seeing a big change. Tenants were given notice of the new rental structure in 2019 and the new payments will be charged in this year’s annual invoices which will be sent out at the end of March 2019.
There are various ways that you can pay your annual allotment rent
- The easiest way to pay is by Direct Debit. If you would like to set up a direct debit payment please contact the Recovery Section on 01429 284000.
- You can now pay your rent online using a credit/debit card. Select the "invoices" option and type in your invoice number (found on your bill), name and address, then follow the instructions on the screen.
- You can make a debit or credit card payment over the phone by calling 01429 523334
- If you prefer to pay in person you can do this at the Civic Centre in Victoria Road. You can pay by cash, cheque or debit/credit card at the cash office.
- If you would like to pay your rent by cheque please make it payable to "Hartlepool Borough Council" and post it with the remitance slip from your invoice to Civic Centre Cash Office, Victoria Road, Hartlepool, TS24 8AY. Please note: we cannot accept "third party" or post dated cheques, or those made payable to individual officers.
If you have any queries about your invoice, including disputes and difficulties with payment, please contact the Recovery Section on 01429 284000.