Checking the progress of your claim

Information on how to check the progress of your claim and an explanation of your Housing/Council Tax Benefit decision notice 

You will receive a decision notice as soon as your claim has been completed confirming your benefit entitlement.

If your claim was made over 3 weeks ago or we have written to you and you do need to contact us you can telephone (01429) 284188, e-mail us at

Benefit Decision Notice

Your benefit decision notice is not a bill. It is a letter that tells you how your benefit has been assessed. If you qualify, the first page of the letter will show how much benefit you are entitled to.

Although the amount of Council Tax Support is shown as a weekly amount, it will be deducted from your council tax bill as a single lump sum. Please check your latest council tax bill for details of the total amount of Council Tax Support you are entitled to and how much, if any, council tax you have to pay.

The first page will also show how much help you will receive towards your rent along with details of how this is to be paid and who the payment will be sent to. In some cases we may pay your Housing Benefit to your landlord.

The letter also contains details of the information used to assess your benefit entitlement. You must check the information used and tell us if you think your claim has been assessed incorrectly. If you have not checked the information contained in the letter, it is your responsibility if we have paid you incorrectly.

You must tell us immediately if there has been any change in your circumstances.

If the money you get or who lives in your house changes, you will need to provide proof so that we can work out your benefit again.