Microchipping your dog was made compulsory on 1 April 2016. It is quick and relatively painless. It involves inserting a microchip into the scruff of the dog's neck, which can then be read by a scanner (like the barcode scanner in the supermarket). Hartlepool Council strongly recommends that you get your dog microchipped as it means he can be quickly returned to you if he strays or gets lost.
Dogs Trust have kindly provided us with some microchips to enable us to offer dog chipping to Hartlepool residents free of charge (subject to availability and proof of address is required).
We hold regular microchipping surgeries across the town and often provide dog chipping at community events. If you are organising a community event and would like us to provide a dog chipping service please contact us to arrange this. Download our leaflet.
Guide to microchipping
Next Microchipping Surgery
Details of our upcoming microchipping surgeries are posted on our Facebook page.
Updating Your Microchip Details
The dog warden has been collecting increasing numbers of stray dogs which have been micro chipped but the owner's contact details have not been kept up to date. Have you moved house or got a new phone number since your dog was chipped? This can make it almost impossible for us to contact you if your dog strays, which could ultimately result in your dog being rehomed.
It is relatively straightforward to check/update your details. You should have received a pack from the registration company when your dog was chipped. This will explain how to update the details.
If you have not got your registration pack, you can still update your details by following these simple steps:
Step 1
First of all you will need your dog's micro chip number. If you have lost your paperwork you can ask your vet to scan the chip on your next visit, or bring your dog along to one of our micro chipping sessions and we will scan it for you.
Step 2
Once you have the micro chip number you will need to contact the company that provided the chip. Again your paper work will tell you who this is. If you don't have the paper work then you may have to make a couple of calls. The two main registration companies are Pet Log (0844 463 39 99) and Anibase (01904 487 600/487459). You may be able to update the details over the phone or they may send you a form to fill in.
There will be a small admin charge but it is worth it to keep your dog safe.
Step 3
Relax! Now if the worst happens and your dog does stray we will be able to contact you and reunite you with your 4-legged friend as soon as possible.