Public Spaces Protection Orders

Hartlepool Borough Council has under Section 60 Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 extended the Dog Control Public Space Protection Order 2020 for a period of 3 years. The Order as extended will expire on 17th October 2026.

PSPO’s were introduced by the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 and are designed to stop individuals, or groups, from committing anti-social behaviour in a public place.

Failure to comply with a PSPO is a criminal offence that is punishable by prosecution (a fine not exceeding £1,000) or the issue of a £100 Fixed Penalty Notice.

Dog Control

The Public Spaces Protection Orders (Dog Control) applies ‘to all areas open to the air to which the public have access, either with or without payment’ unless stated otherwise and are:

  • Fouling of Land Order – that the person responsible for a dog must clean up its faeces forthwith. This Order applies to the whole of Hartlepool
  • Dogs on Leads Order – that dogs may enter the specified area but only if they are held on a lead. This Order applies in specified areas advertised by signage
  • Dogs On Lead By Direction Order – that an authorised officer can instruct a person responsible for a dog to put it on a lead if it is causing a nuisance. This Order applies to the whole of Hartlepool
  • Lead length  - that the maximum length of a dog lead is restricted to a maximum of 1.5 metres in all Hartlepool cemeteries
  • Dog Exclusion Order – that dogs may not enter a specified area. This Order applies in specified areas advertised by signage
  • Means to Pick Up - Designated officers have the power to check that dog walkers are carrying the means to pick up their dog’s mess; and
  • Specified Maximum Number of Dogs Order – that any one person may take out up to 4 dogs at any one time. This Order applies to the whole of Hartlepool


The following Schedules list all Parts of the Public Space Protection Order (Dog Control) that are in force:

  • Schedule 1 – The Fouling of Land By Dogs
  • Schedule 2 – Dogs on Leads by Direction
  • Schedule 3 – Dogs (Specified Maximum Number)
  • Schedule 4 – Means to Pick Up
  • Schedule 5 – Dogs On Leads
  • Schedule 6 – Dog Exclusion
  • Schedule 7 – Restriction of Lead Length to 1.5m

Further information about the Schedules, including maps of the locations where each Schedule applies, can be downloaded below. For ease of use, the Schedules are divided into Parts A-E

Schedules (including maps of locations)

A copy of the Order, as made, can be found below:

Dog Control PSPO


Hartlepool Borough Council has introduced a Public Spaces Protection Order that allows for the use of alleygates in identified areas of the town in order to prevent and deter crime in those areas.

A copy of the Order, as made, can be found below:

Alleygates PSPO

Alcohol, Parks and Open Spaces

Hartlepool Borough Council has introduced Public Space Protection Orders to makes it an offence to consume, or possess, alcohol in certain designated parts of Hartlepool or to engage in certain anti social activities in Hartlepool’s parks and other identified areas.

The areas covered by this are detailed below: 

Parks and Open Spaces PSPO

Alcohol PSPO