Hartlepool Enterprise Zones
Planning Register Part 3 - Register of Local Development Orders
In order to stimulate economic growth, the Government pursued a programme of Enterprise Zones throughout the country. The Tees Valley Enterprise Zone was announced as part of the Budget in 2011, and its format was agreed between the Government and Tees Valley Unlimited in August 2011. It included twelve sites across the Tees Valley and developers of the sites benefited from either business rates discount or enhanced capital allowances to support the growth of existing firms and/or attract significant inward investment. Whilst some of the Enterprise Zone’s ceased to exist from the end of March 2018, seven Enterprise Zones remain and the financial incentives (Enhanced Capital Allowance) available as part of the Enterprise Zone at the Port will be in place until 31 March 2020.
Section 1
There are currently no draft LDO's in production.
Section 2
There is one adopted LDO at present within Hartlepool. The LDO covers the area at The Port.
Through the LDO the following business sectors will be appropriate on the Port:
- Advanced Engineering & Advanced Manufacturing
- Renewable Energy Manufacturing
As part of the Enterprise Zone status at the Port there is a requirement for a simplified planning regime to be in place to support accelerated economic development at the Port. From 2012 a Local Development Order (LDO) had been in place which covered the Port however, along with the LDO's for Queens Meadow and Oakesway, the LDO expired at the end of March 2018. As such, and to cover at least the period to 31 March 2020 for which the Enterprize Zone status will exist, it was necessary to put a new LDO in place.
Whilst there have been some small updates from the previous version, the LDO for this consultation is very similar in form to the previously adopted one. The compliance form which should be used is also available to view as is the Statement of Reasons and the consultation statement which details the responses which were received during the public consultation.
The statutory consultation period on the LDO ran from Friday 2 November 2018 until Friday 11 January 2019.
The adopted LDO and other relevant documents are available to view at the Civic Centre, Victoria Road, Hartlepool.
Contacts for Information:
For queries in relation to the consultation please contact:
Matthew King (Planning Policy Team Leader)
Tel: (01429) 284084
Email: matthew.king@hartlepool.gov.uk