Green Infrastructure SPD and Action Plan
On the 27th February 2014 the Council adopted the Green Infrastructure Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) and Action Plan.
Green Infrastructure SPD and Action Plan
These documents form part of the Local Development Framework and will be used in the determination of planning applications and also to ensure that the Borough's green spaces are not only protected but enhanced for the benefit of all. You can view the Consultation Statement and Adoption Statement which accompanies the SPD. A Habitats Regulations Screening Report and a Statement regarding SEA are also available for viewing. Where planning contributions are secured towards green infrastructure as part of a planning application the SPD and Action Plan will be used to direct the contribution to the most appropriate scheme in relation to the application.
The Action Plan will be regularly reviewed and updated to reflect when schemes are implemented and where new proposals and schemes come to light.
The Council would like to thank Natural England for the financial support provided to assist with the production of the documents and also interested parties who contributed to the development of both of the documents.
Due to the size of the documents some of the images on the web versions have been reduced. If you require a hard copy of the document please contact the planning policy team.