Planning Advisory Service
One Stop Shop
The Hartlepool Development Corporation will be the Local Planning Authority for parts of Hartlepool from 1st June 2023 and whilst we will continue to respond to requests for advice in these areas you can also contact them directly for the same.
You can also pay by:
Cheque - payable to HBC, Planning Services, Level 1 Civic Centre, Victoria Road, Hartlepool TS24 8AY or
Bank transfer to Lloyds Bank, York Road, Hartlepool, sort code 30-99-47, account number 26525768 (please quote finance code 13006 7198 and email to advise payment has been made)
schedule of fees
The Council operates a One Stop Shop for informal planning enquiries, however there is a charge for this service. Please see schedule of fees for details.
The service will identify any consents required for the development you propose and how to apply for them. Advice will also be offered as to any major issues or concerns likely to be raised. You will also be told if permission is likely to be refused.
Some types of extension or alteration to your property may not need planning permission. We can work all of this out for you. Simply fill in the relevant form (Householder Development or Non-Household Developments) and return to us with the relevant fee using the details below.
We would strongly encourage use of the service as it may help us to 'iron out' any potential problems and therefore deal with your application more efficiently. If you do not need planning permission you will require evidence of this to show future purchasers of your property.
You should be aware that any request for advice is governed by the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and unless you can claim an exemption under the Act, the enquiry and our reply could be viewed by members of the public. You will need to tell us if you believe your enquiry to be exempt.
For major and contentious proposals a Pre-Application Developer Forum may be held. These are part of the Council's One Stop Shop pre-application advsory service, which provides advice on planning matters prior to the submission of a formal planning application. A guide to Pre-Application Developer Forums provides information on what a forum is and how the meeting will be conducted
Minutes of Pre-Application Developer Forums
Hartlepool Borough Council will collect and process personal information in line with our legal obligations, details of which can be found on our web site or by telephoning 01429 266522.