News archive
News published January 2021
Leisure centre architects appointed
Published 28th January 2021Plans for a multi-million pound leisure centre in Hartlepool have taken a major step forward with the appointment of architects to design the flagship development.
Community COVID testing starts in Hartlepool
Published 27th January 2021Community COVID testing for people in Hartlepool who don’t have symptoms has started today with Councillor Shane Moore, the Leader of Hartlepool Borough Council, receiving the first test.
Community COVID testing starts this week in Hartlepool
Published 25th January 2021Community COVID testing for people in Hartlepool who DON'T have symptoms of the virus is starting on Wednesday 27th January and people are being encouraged to play their part by getting a test.
Free town centre parking to begin on February 1st
Published 22nd January 2021Free parking in council-run town centre pay and display car parks in Hartlepool will begin on February 1st.
Thinking of starting up a business?
Published 22nd January 2021Entrepreneurship appeals to many, but figuring out how to start a business can sometimes be so overwhelming that it scares people away.
Be the light in the darkness
Published 21st January 2021People of all ages are invited to share in a moving, thought-provoking and inspiring day-long programme of events on Wednesday 27th January to commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day.
Funding secured to buy bombardment painting
Published 20th January 2021Hartlepool Borough Council has successfully secured funding to add a painting commemorating the 1914 bombardment of the town to its permanent collection.
An important message of thanks
Published 20th January 2021A message of thanks from Hartlepool Borough Council and schools leaders across the Borough.
Learning doesn't stop during lockdown
Published 18th January 2021Although its premises are not open during lockdown, Hartlepool Learning and Skills Service is still very much open for business, with the team working remotely.
COVID-19 patient praises research study for helping save his life
Published 15th January 2021A Hartlepool man who battled COVID-19 has described how he only took part in a research trial thanks to the words of a fellow patient – and is now so grateful he did so.