Have your say on initial Hartlepool Waterfront projects

Published Monday, 26th February 2018

PEOPLE are being encouraged to give their views on proposals for a series of initial development projects for the Hartlepool Waterfront.

A water activity centre, grassed areas, a sculpture trail, boundary seating and new LED lighting aim to provide “a statement of intent” for the future transformation of the former Jacksons Landing site and surrounding area.

Hartlepool Borough Council recently approved the projects and allocated £1.4m for them from its regeneration schemes budget.

People can find out more about the projects and comment on them at a drop-in consultation event on Thursday 1 March at Community Hub Central in York Road from 2pm to 6pm.

Alternatively, people can view the plans and comment on them online until Wednesday 21 March - click here.

The initial projects will help attract interest and investment in the Hartlepool Waterfront site.

The initial projects will help attract interest and investment in the Hartlepool Waterfront site

Councillor Kevin Cranney, Chair of the Council’s Regeneration Services Committee, said: “The long-term plan is to develop the Hartlepool Waterfront as a landmark destination with a mix of civic, cultural, leisure and visitor attractions to complement the restaurants, cafes, bars and shops within the wider Hartlepool Marina area.

“However, as the Hartlepool Waterfront site will be developed in phases over a period of time, it’s important to deliver a series of initial projects to attract interest and potential investment and to begin to change the perception of the site.

“I would encourage people to take part in the consultation and tell us what they think of these proposed initial projects.”

The intention is to start work on site in September following the Hartlepool Waterfront Festival. The plan for a water activity centre has been developed in partnership with Hartlepool Marina.

For more information, please contact Rob Smith, the Council’s Principal Regeneration Officer, on (01429) 857072.