Could you be a councillor?

Published Friday, 8th March 2019

Hartlepool is a fantastic place in which to live, learn, work and play.

Hartlepool Borough Council requires different kinds of people from all backgrounds willing to stand for election as councillors – people who are capable, vibrant, energetic and engaged, with a commitment to local residents and a passion for making change happen.

Could you be a councillor?

The role of a councillor is vital in the local community because:

  • they are a voice of the people, who know what is best for their local communities
  • they are champions of those who use local services
  • they are critical to the effective functioning of democracy, and
  • they play a very important role in helping to shape future services for the benefit of local people.

On Thursday 2 May this year, there will be an election for one councillor in each of the eleven current wards across the town.

For people interested in finding out more about standing as a councillor, there will be a pre-election briefing at Hartlepool Civic Centre in Victoria Road on Saturday 16 March at 10am.

If you are not able to attend the briefing but would like more information, please contact the Electoral Team by emailing, calling 01429 523088 or by visiting the Electoral Team at Civic Centre during normal office hours for an informal chat.