Have you signed up for the Commuter Challenge?
Published Friday, 26th April 2019Employees across Hartlepool are being urged to take the first steps towards a healthier, happier lifestyle by signing up to the Let's Go Tees Valley Commuter Challenge.
The challenge is part of a Tees Valley-wide project to reduce the number of cars on our roads by encouraging local people to swap single occupancy car journeys for more sustainable modes of travel for the chance to win prizes.
The week-long challenge, launched by local travel project Let’s Go Tees Valley, will run from the 13th to 19th May 2019.
As part of the initiative, travel advisers from Let’s Go Tees Valley will be visiting Hartlepool on May 8th to encourage people to sign up at the following locations and times:
Centre for Independent Living (CIL), reception area, Burbank Street – 10-10.30am.
Mill House Leisure Centre, reception area, Raby Road – 10.45-11.15am.
Hartlepool Civic Centre, level 2 staff foyer area – 11.30am-2pm.
Hartlepool Enterprise Centre, bistro area, Brougham Terrace – 2.15-3pm.
Brierton Leisure Centre, reception area, Brierton Lane – 3.15-4pm.
To register for the challenge or to download a promotional pack go to http://www.letsgoteesvalley.co.uk/commuter-challenge/ Signing up before Tuesday 30 April puts you in with a chance of winning one of three pairs of cinema tickets at Teesside Park. Throughout the course of the challenge more amazing prizes will be handed out, including a luxury spa break and a Fitbit.
Swapping just one journey gives each participant one entry into the prize draw – the more journeys you build up, the more likely you are to win a fantastic range of prizes!
"Changing the way we travel from our usual car ride in favour of active travel modes can have a significant impact on our health, waistlines and wallets, as well as reducing congestion and improving air quality.
“We’re challenging Tees Valley commuters to stop and think before grabbing their car keys for local journeys. Nearly half of all of car journeys are less than two miles and these short trips have a huge impact on local congestion and pollution,” explained Georgina Burke, speaking on behalf of Let’s Go Tees Valley.

Tony Davison, Hartlepool Borough Council's Sustainable Travel Officer (far right) with colleagues (left-right) Peter Nixon, Ellie Sumpton and Amanda Thomas
In Hartlepool, the initiative is supported by the Hartlepool Borough Council-led Hartlepool Active Travel Hub, which promotes sustainable forms of travel to reduce the number of vehicles on the road, traffic congestion and air pollution.
Tony Davison, Hartlepool Council’s Sustainable Travel Officer who co-ordinates the work of the hub, said: “This challenge is open to everyone and we’d hope that commuters will rise to the challenge and take part. We want to reduce single occupancy car journeys as less cars means less congestion and less pollution. If you choose to walk or cycle you’ll also reap considerable health benefits.
“To help you on your way the Hartlepool Active Travel Hub is here to help locally. We can advise on car share and public transport, cycle training and alternative options if you need transport during your work day. And of course by taking part in the challenge you could win fantastic prizes.”
The challenge is running across the Tees Valley in May to tie in with National Walking Month, a national campaign to encourage more walking in our everyday lives.
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