Primary school place applications now being taken

Published Tuesday, 3rd November 2020

Applications for school places for children due to start primary school in Hartlepool next September are now being taken.

The system went live on Monday (November 2nd) and the closing date for all applications - either online or paper - is January 15th 2021.

Letters providing more information are sent to parents via their child’s nursery school, but where a child does not attend a private or mainstream nursery (or a letter has not been received by the end of November) then parents will need to register their child with Hartlepool Borough Council’s School Admissions Team at the Hartlepool Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) in Brierton Lane. Contact the team by telephoning (01429) 523765 or emailing

The team can also provide more information about the school admissions process.

The easiest way to apply for a school place is online at:

Alternatively, parents can fill in a paper form that will soon be available from all primary schools, while forms can also be requested from the School Admissions Team.

Parents will learn the outcome of their applications on April 16 2021 - Primary National Offer Day – and any appeals will be heard during June/July 2021.