Tell us where you would like to see more Electric Vehicle Charging Points (EVCPs) in Hartlepool

Published Friday, 11th June 2021

You can have your say on where you think future locations for public electric vehicle charging points on residential streets that have no access to off-street private parking should be.

The UK Govt has outlined plans to cut carbon emissions by 78% by 2035.  This includes that the sale of new cars that run solely on petrol or diesel will be banned in 2030 – with new hybrids legal until 2035.

To make this happen in our region, the Tees Valley has been granted up to £2 million to build infrastructure to help make this coming change to electric vehicles.  This summer Tees Valley will start this project by increasing electric vehicle charging points (EVCPs) in public car parks.  

In addition to the installation of ECVPs in public car parks, there is research being undertaken to determine which residential streets or neighbourhoods across Tees Valley that would benefit by having ECVPs installed; places where it may not be possible to install a private electric vehicle charging point to a residence. 

To find out more and to submit your views please go to:

The Tees Valley Combined Authority will use this data alongside other key factors to determine future locations for public electric vehicle charging points on residential streets and neighbourhoods where it is currently not possible to install a private electric vehicle charging point at a residence.