Council launches new digital consultation platform

Published Friday, 10th September 2021

A new online consultation platform has been launched by Hartlepool Borough Council to enable residents to give their views on a range of issues and help shape the future of the town.

Your Say Our Future offers access to a number of digital consultation tools that people can use to get directly involved in decisions affecting them.

And they are now being encouraged to register with the site at and create a personal account, as this allows them to state which consultation topics they are most interested in and receive updates and newsletters.

Councillor Shane Moore, Leader of the Council, said: “The Council has a long-standing commitment to listen to local people and take their views into account when making decisions.

“Your Say Our Future takes that to a whole new level - making it easier for people to get involved in the decision-making process in a way and at a time that suits them.”

Tools on the new platform vary depending on the consultation topic but can include:

  • Forum – share experiences, ask questions and have conversations.
  • Places (map tool) – leave comments, answer surveys, and post images to pins on a map.
  • Ideas – create “post it notes” to add ideas to a virtual ideas board, and like and comment on other people’s ideas.
  • Stories – share stories and experiences (e.g. of an event or use of a service)
  • Guestbook – leave a comment.
  • Questions – an opportunity to ask questions.
  • News feed – see updates and news about projects you are interested in.
  • Surveys
  • Quick polls –see results in real time.

Originally set up as an emergency response to the pandemic to provide a Covid-secure way of consulting with residents and stakeholders, Your Say Our Future will, going forward, sit alongside more traditional face-to-face methods of engagement.

Current consultations include:

  • Town Deal projects - find out about the Town Deal projects and ask the team a question.
  • Relocation of Throston Library - tell us what you would like to see in the relocated library
  • Member Champions - give us your views on which causes should be represented by a Member Champion role.
  • Tell us what you think about the proposed Disposal of Land at Golden Flatts School

Councillor Moore added: “This is a chance to have your say and respond to issues that matter most to you. We’d love to hear from you!”