Safer Hartlepool Partnership Face the Public event expands online

Published Friday, 8th October 2021

An event that offers Hartlepool residents the chance to have their say on community safety issues affecting Hartlepool is to be moved online and expanded.

The Safer Hartlepool Partnership Face the Public event will run on Hartlepool Borough Council’s new digital engagement platform Your Say Our Future from October 11th-24th.

The partnership says it wants to give local people two weeks to get involved and contribute their views rather than hold the usual one-off event on a specific day at Hartlepool Civic Centre.

The decision to do things differently this year also reflects continuing concerns over the Covid-19 pandemic.

Councillor Shane Moore, Chair of the Safer Hartlepool Partnership and Leader of Hartlepool Borough Council, said: “We have traditionally held a Face the Public event on a specific day when people have come along, got around a table and discussed and debated with others the best way to tackle some of the community safety issues affecting neighbourhoods across the Borough.

“The recent launch of Your Say Our Future which has a number of interactive features, allows people to get involved in the debate on community safety in a way and at a time that is most convenient to them.

“A draft Community Safety Plan developed by the Safer Hartlepool Partnership to cover the period 2021-24 is currently out for consultation and residents can help shape this by getting involved in Face the Public.”

The Safer Hartlepool Partnership Face the Public page on Your Say Our Future can be accessed at

Through the page people can:

  • Read the draft Community Safety Plan for 2021-24 which identifies anti-social behaviour, domestic violence and drugs and alcohol as priorities for action in its first year.
  • Complete an online survey – which includes questions on the draft plan.
  • Use the ideas board to make suggestions as to how the Safer Hartlepool Partnership can work with residents and partners to deliver on the priorities identified in the draft Community Safety Plan.
  • Ask a question of the Safer Hartlepool Partnership.

Local residents are reminded that online access is available through the People’s Network in Hartlepool Borough Council’s Community Hubs and libraries. Locations and opening times are as follows:

Community Hub Central - 124 York Road, Hartlepool, TS26 9DE.

Open Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri 10am – 4pm.

Community Hub South- Wynyard Road, Hartlepool, TS25 3LQ.

Open Mon – Fri 10am – 4pm, Sat 10am – 12pm.

Seaton Carew Library- Station Lane, Hartlepool, TS25 1BN.

Tues, Thurs, Fri 10am – 12pm, Sat 10am – 12pm.

Headland Library- Middlegate, Hartlepool, TS24 0JD,

Open Mon and Fri 10am – 4pm.

Paper copies of the online survey will be available in the hubs for people to complete.