Your views are needed again to help shape pharmacy services in Hartlepool

Published Wednesday, 16th March 2022

Many thanks to everyone who took part in Hartlepool Borough Council’s recent survey to help shape the future of pharmacy services in Hartlepool.

The survey responses are now being used to inform a review of the Hartlepool Health and Wellbeing Board’s Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA), which will assess what services are currently available, how easily they are accessed and identify unmet needs.

A draft of that PNA is now subject to a period of public consultation running until Saturday 14th May before the PNA is subsequently presented to the Hartlepool Health and Wellbeing Board for approval and implementation.


Craig Blundred, Hartlepool Borough Council’s Director of Public Health, said: “We’re committed to ensuring that residents have access to the best pharmacy services available because pharmacies play an important role in helping to maintain people’s health and prevent illness.

“The Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment plays a key role in achieving those goals, so it’s vital that it covers the needs of people in Hartlepool.

“So whether or not you took part in the first survey, if you’ve used pharmacy services in the past or are likely to use them in the future, please take part in this second stage of the consultation.”

People can take part online by clicking here.

Alternatively, people can complete a paper copy of the consultation at Hartlepool’s Community Hubs and libraries or by contacting Joan Stevens, the Council’s Statutory Scrutiny Manager, on 01429 284142 or email