Have your say on the accessibility of Council services

Published Friday, 20th May 2022

Hartlepool Borough Council has announced the dates of focus group workshops as part of its current consultation to learn about the experiences of people with long-term conditions when accessing its services.

The authority’s Audit and Governance Scrutiny Committee is keen to hear from people with long-term conditions and also their relatives and carers.

Councillor Rob Cook, Chairman of the Committee, said: “We want to ensure that we are providing effective services to people who are, for example, disabled or suffering from chronic illness.

“We want to know how easy it is for them to find out about and use Council services – any Council service, not just those relating to their long-term condition or the condition of someone they care for.

“What are we doing well and what could we do better? It’s vital that we hear from as many people as possible, so please take part.”

There are three different types of workshops:


For members of the public

This workshop is on Monday 27th June from 10am to 12 noon in the Community Room in Community Hub Central in York Road.

Places must be booked in advance by emailing yoursay@hartlepool.gov.uk or calling 01429 284172. Bookings are open until 17th June or until places are fully booked, whichever is sooner.

Community Hub Central has step-free access, a hearing loop system and an accessible toilet. BSL interpretation can also be provided if required and booked in advance. Participants are asked to please make the Council aware of any other requirements when they book.


For organisations supporting people with long-term conditions and/or carers

There are two workshops to choose from – one on Tuesday 31st May from 10am to 12 noon and one on Monday 13th June from 3pm to 5pm. Both will be in the Council Chamber in Civic Centre in Victoria Road. Both workshops will be the same, so people only need attend one.

The Civic Centre has step-free access, a hearing loop system and an accessible toilet. BSL interpretation can also be provided if required and booked in advance.

Places must be booked in advance by emailing yoursay@hartlepool.gov.uk or calling 01429 284172, and organisations are asked to please make the Council aware of any other requirements when they book.


Visits to organisations

Arrangements can also be made for the consultation team to visit organisations which have clients or service users who are not able to attend one of the public workshops. These sessions will last about an hour and can be booked for a mutually convenient time between 25th May and 1st July. For more details email yoursay@hartlepool.gov.uk or call 01429 284172.


Other ways to take part

The consultation itself is open until Sunday 12th June and there are also other ways for people to take part, by completing a survey or by adding an idea for improving access to services via an online “How can we do better?” ideas board.

Paper surveys are available in a range of Council buildings, including the Civic Centre, community hubs and libraries, or can be requested by calling (01429) 284172 or emailing yoursay@hartlepool.gov.uk.

The online consultation is running on the Council’s Your Say Our Future digital engagement platform at https://yoursay.hartlepool.gov.uk/services-accessibility and includes the “How can we do better?” ideas board, a quick poll and the online version of the survey.