Thank you to our COVID workers and volunteers

Published Monday, 30th May 2022

Hartlepool Borough Council’s health chief has paid tribute to the town’s COVID workers and volunteers for their efforts during the pandemic.

Director of Public Health Craig Blundred said they had done an amazing job and played a vital role in helping the people of Hartlepool through the crisis.

Craig Blundred

Craig Blundred

He said: “As many of these workers and volunteers stand down from their COVID roles, I would like to send them my sincere thanks for all that they have done.

“Whether they have served as Street Ambassadors or COVID Community Champions, helping residents to stay up to date on the safety guidance, for example, or worked in the testing, vaccination or contact tracing teams, or staffed or contributed to the Support Hub providing a lifeline to vulnerable residents, they have done a marvellous job.

“Their dedication and commitment has been second to none and they can feel rightly proud of the role they have played and we thank them for this.”

Although Hartlepool now has its sights set on brighter days ahead, Craig also gave an important reminder.

“Please remember that COVID is still out there, so please continue stay vigilant and take care, to help protect yourself and others.”