#NowIsTheTime: Annual report highlights Council's achievements
Published Wednesday, 27th July 2022Hartlepool Borough Council has published an Annual Report for 2021/22 giving residents and businesses a clear view of key achievements, as well as an understanding of what is still to come.
The annual report – which is linked to the Council Plan for 2021 – 2024 – details progress against the Council’s vision that Hartlepool will be a place…
- Where people are enabled to live healthy, independent and prosperous lives
- Where those who are vulnerable will be safe and protected from harm
- Of resilient and resourceful communities with opportunities for all
- That is sustainable, clean, safe and green
- That has an inclusive and growing economy
- With a Council that is ambitious, fit for purpose and reflects the diversity of its community
Notable achievements include:
- Holiday Activities and Food Programme has supported over 3,000 children
- Over £380,000 inward investment secured from external funding partners for sport and physical activity related projects in 2021/22, including £250,000 for the new accessible cycling track at Summerhill
- Secured Ageing Well Funding to assist older people to improve their physical, mental and emotional well-being
- Multi Agency Child Exploitation Hub established
- The Bread and Butter Thing introduced to provide a sustainable solution to food poverty in the town supporting 200-300 people each week to access affordable food
- Routes to Work supported 419 ‘hardest to reach’ people to positively progress to employment
- 99% of Year 11 students and 95% of Year 13 students received an ‘offer of learning’ for the following year of their studies – both above the regional and national average
- First Climate Pledge adopted committing the Council to a journey to Net Zero emissions by 2050
- Footpath resurfacing schemes totalling over 2,000m2 have been completed
- Won our bid for £25m of government Town Deal funding to further improve Hartlepool
- Planning permission submitted for Highlight leisure centre
- Work to bring the Headland Amphitheatre – renamed Elephant Rock – back into use completed
- Increased opportunities for residents to contact the Council through digital channels
- Your Say Platform launched for consultation and engagement activity
Councillor Shane Moore, Leader of Hartlepool Borough Council and Chair of the Finance and Policy Committee, said: “I’m delighted we are publishing our 2021/22 Annual Report which highlights some of our most significant achievements.
“I witness these success stories on a daily and weekly basis, but sometimes it is nice to afford ourselves the opportunity to sit back and take stock.
“Of course we won’t be complacent, and our Annual Report also sets out what is to come as we continue to work to make our Borough an even better place to live, work, visit and invest.”
The Annual Report 2021/22 also highlighted some of the many achievements and awards secured by Hartlepool Borough Council in this period:
- Over 90% of schools judged to be ‘good’ or better by Ofsted
- 100% of children’s homes operated by the Council rated good or outstanding by Ofsted
- 97.8% of adult social care providers rated as ‘good’ or ‘outstanding by the Care Quality Commission
- Centre for Independent Living and Waverley Terrace Allotment retain their National Autism Society Accreditation
- 23 car parks recognised as achieving Park Mark Award
- Elephant Rock won at the Civil Engineers North East Awards
- "Council of the Year” at the regional Energy Efficiency Association Awards
- The BIS won an RTPI National Award and RIBA North East Awards
- Ward Jackson Park and Summerhill Country Park awarded Green Flags
- Seaton Carew received a Seaside Award
- 645 houses improved through energy efficiency measures
- Over 225,000 transactions delivered digitally
- 33.5% of Council spend went to local suppliers
Denise McGuckin, the Council’s Managing Director, added: “I’m pleased to see the Annual Report 2021/22 published so that our wonderful residents and businesses can see just how much the Council has delivered.
“The report represents a fantastic effort from Council staff to deliver our priorities, in particular in the face of reduced income and funding.
“The last couple of years have been challenging for everyone but – despite the pandemic – Hartlepool Borough Council has continued to deliver a huge range of services that have a positive and significant impact on people’s lives.”
You can read the Council Plan Annual Report 2021/22 in full at www.hartlepool.gov.uk/annual-report
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