More Hartlepool landmarks to be lit in purple

Published Monday, 12th September 2022

Plans have been announced to illuminate further landmarks as Hartlepool continues to celebrate the life of Queen Elizabeth II.

Tuesday 13 September

St Hilda's Church on the Headland

7:30pm to 9:30pm

Wednesday 14 September

Seaton Carew Clock Tower

7:30pm to 9:30pm

Sunday 18 September

Victory Square

7:30pm to 9:30pm

Members of the public are also reminded that there are two books of condolence in Hartlepool open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm at:

  • Hartlepool Civic Centre reception area
  • Hartlepool Borough Hall

There is also an opportunity to sign Hartlepool’s online book of remembrance at

Members of the public are also invited to lay floral tributes at the two grassed areas within Victory Square.

We ask that people make every effort to visit Victory Square to pay your respects in this way.

Flowers laid at other locations will be moved to this location. 

We would be very grateful if flowers could be left without plastic packaging.