Helping to prevent fraud

Published Wednesday, 21st September 2022

Hartlepool Borough Council is participating in an exercise to promote the proper spending of public money.

The authority must by law protect the public funds it administers and is obliged to share information provided to it with other bodies responsible for auditing or administering public funds in order to detect and prevent fraud.

The authority is required to participate in an anti-fraud initiative administered by the Cabinet Office and is providing details of concessionary bus pass holders, Blue Badge holders, council house tenants, housing waiting list applicants and parking permit holders for the purpose of comparing these with information provided by other public bodies. This will ensure early discovery of possible fraudulent cases which will prompt further investigation. These exercises, therefore, help ensure the best use of public funds.

Further information can be requested by contacting the Council’s Customer Services Team on 01429 523337 or via the following link:

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