Providing “warmth without judgement”

Published Tuesday, 27th September 2022

Members of Hartlepool Borough Council’s Finance and Policy Committee are about to receive an update on proposals for the development of Warm Hubs and be asked to approve the planned approach.

In response to the cost of living crisis, and specifically the increasing energy costs that are being faced by local people, Hartlepool Borough Council proposes to work with local partners to create a network of Warm Hubs; places where people can come together to stay warm, enjoy a tea and biscuits and access other opportunities should they wish to.

A map and directory will be developed showing all of the places available across the public, private, health and voluntary sectors so that anyone who is cold knows where they can go to get warm, stay warm and enjoy some company.

It is hoped that facilities that are usually open for extended and unsociable hours can be used for example leisure centres, fire stations and medical venues.

A number of schools and churches have also expressed their interest and are keen to explore their role in offering Warm Hubs.

Jill Harrison, Hartlepool Borough Council’s Director of Adult and Community Based Services, said: “The current cost of living crisis is creating unprecedented pressures on people already in poverty and this winter – despite the support given by Government – thousands of people across Hartlepool will be forced to make tough decisions about when and what they eat, what they can do in life and when they can afford to heat their home.

“Our Council Plan sets out our commitment to supporting people and – if approved – Hartlepool Warm Hubs will provide a safe space for those who need it and provide warmth without judgement.”

At a meeting on Wednesday morning, members of the Council’s Finance and Policy Committee will be recommended to support the establishment of Hartlepool Warm Hubs and the creation of a small grant scheme to support the proposal, using up to £10,000 of the Household Support Fund in the event that external funding cannot be secured.

The meeting will commence at 10am in the Council Chamber at Hartlepool Civic Centre.